THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsFirst Sunday of Advent1 December 2024 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Today, we begin the Ecclesiastical year with our hearts and minds lifted up, and we look forward to the glorious coming of Jesus Christ. As we penitentially prepare for the annual celebration of Jesus' first coming (Christmas), we simultaneously prepare for His final coming. The end of this present life and world fills many hearts with dread and fear, but we are admonished that this passing away of the present life opens up the path to eternal life. While the world trembles in fear, the faithful are to lift up their eyes to behold the glory of Jesus in His return. Our collective responsibility is to prepare for His coming, and our engagement in this preparation is crucial.
The distractions of our material world often hinder our ability to comprehend spiritual truths. Our faith guides us to understand the greater purpose behind everythingbeyond the superficiality of physical objects.
The Gospel, like a beacon of light, dispels the darkness of materialism, worldliness, and demonism. It doesn't erase these evil concepts, but it illuminates the truth, making them lose their grip in the brilliance of God's glory.
Right now, in this present life, the Light of God is veiled in a cloud so that we cannot see clearly. Jesus is hidden from us because our eyes (hearts and minds) are not accustomed to or able to bear the brightness and glory of God. Jesus had to hide His Divinity from us when He walked upon the earth in Human form because we would not have been able to bear the unveiled glory of God and continue in life. Jesus remains with us today, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Faith opens our hearts and minds to believe in His True Presence, but our physical eyes only perceive bread and wine.
While we are in this life, God's presence is veiled. He is hidden in a cloud. Throughout the Old Testament, God spoke to men or revealed Himself to men while veiled from their bodily eyes. In the New Testament, God spoke to men and revealed Himself veiled in Human form. In our days, God is again veiled, but this time in the Holy Eucharist. We see God only in a veiled or hidden manner while we are in this world. Through faith and love, we perceive more clearly, but the unveiled glory of God escapes us the entire time we are living in this world.
The longing of true Christians is to see God face to face in all His glory without veil or cloud. This can only happen when our focus and attention are drawn away from this world and placed only in Him. As the light of the moon fades and disappears with the light of the sun, so the lights of this world fade and disappear in the glory of the Light of God. As the previous lights of science gave way to greater (more precise or accurate) lights of science, so shall all our worldly knowledge and understanding fade or give way to the complete knowledge and understanding of God Truth. All the present knowledge and understanding must fade away in the presence of the most excellent understanding and knowledge of God. This promise of God's ultimate glory is a source of anticipation and excitement for all believers.
The apocalyptic events that present themselves to us in the material realm are signs and symbols of what transpires in the spiritual realm. Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose tell us that the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars is symbolic of the darkening of the Light of Faith in the Church. The successors of the Apostles and Disciples losing the True Light of Faith is a sign for us (or a warning to us) that the end is near. The darkness of Paganism, Protestantism, Materialism, Liberalism, etc., all proclaim themselves to be giving "light" to the world, but their light is darkness. Just as the night is darkest just before dawn, the spiritual darkness of this world is greatest just before the Light of God bursts forth upon His return.
We must strive not to allow ourselves to be captivated by the transient "lights" of this world. If we are attached to them, we will be driven back with them when the True Light of God shines forth. The devils can appear to us as angels of light while we live in this world because we have never beheld the true glory of the Light of God. However, the devils and all their associates will be driven back and will fade away as the True Glory of God shines forth in the renewed world where the veil or cloud of Heaven is lifted so that the just may look up, revel, and bask in the eternal glory of God.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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